Morning Joe – 6/19/18 | MSNBC




Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen addressed questions about the policy of separating migrant children at the border during the White House press briefing on Monday. Morning Joe fact-checks Secy. Nielsen’s claims.

MSNBC’s Mariana Atencio joins Morning Joe from the border in McAllen, Texas where she has been speaking with mothers and children who were separated temporarily due to the policy of border separation.

Historian Jon Meacham says the Trump administration is working to create a hysteria, as if the country were under attack by immigrants arriving at the border.

Sen. Mazie Hirono, D-Hawaii, compares border separations to a time when Japanese Americans were held in internment camps during WWII. Sen. Hirono also calls for the resignation of Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen and Sarah Sanders.

The New York Times editorial board asks in a new piece: ‘When Did Caging Kids Become the Art of the Deal?’ Peter Baker joins Morning Joe to discuss.

Emily Jane Fox’s new book ‘Born Trump: Inside America’s First Family’ is out Tuesday, and she joins Morning Joe to discuss her research into the first family.

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